The environment in the workplace can have a significant impact on productivity and employee satisfaction. The ideal working environment is one that promotes collaboration and creativity, while also being comfortable enough for staff members to focus on their work. It’s important for employers to create an office space that encourages teamwork and inspires creativity, while also ensuring employees remain focused on their tasks throughout the day. In order to achieve this, employers should have a clear idea of what areas of the office they need to keep clean. This will ensure that employees are able to focus on their work without distractions from dirty or messy areas. Keeping your office clean isn’t always easy, but with the right strategies in place it doesn’t have to be an arduous task either. Here are some tips on how to keep your office clean so you can focus on your work without interruption thanks to a tidy environment – both visually and environmentally.

Keep the Office’s Layout in Mind

Before you start cleaning your office, it’s important to take a look at the layout of the space and see where areas of high traffic occur. This way you can make sure to focus your cleaning efforts on those areas. You can also use this as an opportunity to rearrange furniture or add additional furniture to areas that are currently underutilised. It’s also helpful to note which areas are frequently used by employees, and which are often left unoccupied. This will help you identify which areas of the office need more attention in terms of cleaning. It’s also a good idea to keep a record of the areas in which you’ve seen the most foot traffic, so you can focus your cleaning efforts on those areas again if they become cluttered again.

Keep the Desks and Workstations Clean

Start by cleaning the desks and workstations of employees. As you clean each workstation, make a note of any areas that could use additional attention. For example, if your employees frequently eat their lunch at their desks, you may want to consider placing a coaster in that area to help prevent it from becoming too messy. You can also consider adding additional shelving or storage to the area if it is underutilised. You may also want to consider rethinking the layout of the workstation to make it more functional. For example, placing the computer on a stand or table and placing a charging station nearby for employees who need to charge their devices during the day.

Clean the Restrooms - Twice a Day!

While you may not think about the bathroom as a place where germs can spread, it is actually one of the dirtiest places in the office. Because of this, it’s important to clean the restrooms frequently. In fact, it’s recommended that you clean the restrooms once a day, in addition to cleaning the kitchen. When cleaning the restroom, it’s a good idea to choose a cleaning solution that is eco-friendly. While you may want to focus on the kitchen section, keep in mind that the restroom is a place where bacteria and germs can spread easily if it isn’t properly kept.

Mop the Floors - Once a Week

Keeping the floors in the office clean is a challenge, but it’s an essential part of keeping the office clean. When cleaning the floors, it’s important to focus on high-traffic areas, such as the kitchen and breakroom. You can also use a mop with a long handle that will make the task easier. If you can’t clean the floors every week, try to do it as often as possible. When it is time to clean the floors, it’s important to use a cleaning solution that is eco-friendly. This will help to protect the natural resources used to make the cleaning solution.

Don’t Forget the Surfaces!

Although you may focus on cleaning the floors, furniture, and workstations, it’s important to remember that the other surfaces in the office can also become unmanageable. For example, the table in the breakroom can quickly become cluttered with cups and food containers. In order to avoid this, use a storage solution to keep items off the table and out of sight. If you find that the breakroom table is too cluttered, consider moving the table to a different location. This will help to avoid clutter and make the breakroom more functional.


Keeping the office clean is an important part of creating a productive workplace. It’s important to keep the spaces tidy, but also ensure that the indoor air you and your employees breathe is clean as well. If you follow the tips outlined above, you can make sure that the office environment is clean and tidy. This will ensure that the office space is as productive as possible, and that employees are able to focus on their work without interruption.